Monday, March 30, 2009

Look what I saw in Memphis!!!!

The famous Sky Room at the top of The Peabody Hotel where swanky events were held during the 1940's, 50's and 60's. Can't you just hear the music . . .

The famous Peabody lobby fountain.

and those famous ducks!

Cool dog statues in the lobby.
And then around the corner . . .
An awesome Asian arts and antique store!!!! However, it was closed, but here is the view from the glass door!! Look at all the stuff!!! It was probably good that it was closed or I would not have had gas money for the return trip home!
Here is a close up of the stuff that is fartherest from the door!!
I was going to have some of that famous Memphis BBQ for lunch but could not resist when I saw there was a sushi bar across the street from the Peabody. Aaahh - the perfect lunch!!!

While eating lunch, I saw that the Asian and Judiac Art Museum (what a combination - the perfect museum for me!!!) was just a couple of blocks away. So I decided to visit even though it was almost time for it to close. The lady at the musuem said instead of trying to see the whole musuem in a half an hour (not do-able) why not take a look at the "sample" Asian room and the Judaic art, which was just one room and try to come back another time to see the whole thing. Works for me! and she even gave me a free drink coupon for next door as a consolation prize. So very nice!!!

Here's some of what I saw!! It is outstanding and awesome!!!!!!

Fantastically carved Mammoth Tusks!
Here's a closeup of the detail. Each tusk was just covered with intricate carvings of all kinds of things!!!!
And this is one of the "handles" holding the tusk!
and a Fish-Dragon with Monkeys

and all kinds
of other stuff!!! Just imagine what I would have seen if I had gone through the whole exhibit!!!

And then here's some of the things in the Judaic Art room:

And to top it all off . . . when I went next door to get my free Expresso to go . . . this sign was in the window!!!! so an awesome experience all away around!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

David at the Military Ball

Spring Birds - March 09

Some birds I've seen lately:

the notorious Brown-headed Cowbird is back:
this is a Blue Bird jumping for a bug with the moon in the background:
an x-ray shot of a Blue Bird
Always watching for something yummy to eat:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

That pic is really of BALD EAGLES!!!!!

I emailed that photo of the birds I thought were Bald Eagles to a contact on the Louisiana Ornithological Society and guess what?!?!

Here's what they said: "Indeed, Bald Eagles are regularly seen along the River and also occasionally near LSU Lakes and Capital Lakes in and around Baton Rouge.
Your photos are certainly eagles."

HIP HOP HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Look at this!!!!!

I think I got a photo of Bald Eagles flying up from the side of the Mississippi River. Click the photos so it gets larger and then look real close - white head & white tail and the way the wing tips are spread apart . . . my bird field guide says Eagles can be spotted along the Mississippi River in winter and my Louisiana Bird list has Bald Eagles listed. But who would have thought they would be right outside downtown Baton Rouge?
Also, here's a pic of an American White Pelican that was flying around the LSU campus, which is very close to the Mississippi River

And the Azaleas were blooming the 3rd week of February in Baton Rouge!
Back home, a threesome of birds waiting for more sunflower seeds: