Some big news for our Polyfam
6 years ago
At one time this blog was called "Momcat's Musings" cuz I all i could do was wonder and muse . . . but now all those musings have become real! This is the continuing story of where thinking about Cats, Flowers, Birds, Butterflies, Color, Traveling and Hello Kitty will take you.
went to bed at 7:30 - 'nuff said
Feeling pretty bad last night, but I stretched my back out on the exercise ball and did a few crunches while I was on it.
Well, my pilates class was cancelled for Wednesday nite - the teacher was sick, so I ended up doing nothing that nite. However, last night I did about 30 minutes of Yoga and stretching with the exercise ball and blocks and it felt sooooo goood. going to get a massage this afternoon after work - yay!!
hmmmm . . . not doing so well, except I did Yoga stretches for about an hour Saturday morning. Also got a very good massage from a massage therapist on Friday afternoon and she gave me some advice about why the muscle in my neck is hurting so much. But I think I figured it out - my pillow - it's flat as a pancake and doesn't give any support to my head when I lay on the side. Last nite I had my new pillow and I could almost instantly tell that this is the thing that needed to be changed!!! My neck & head feel a lot better today.
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