Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 weeks to go!

I’m embarking on a 3-week fitness program and need to tell someone when I actually do my exercises each day. I hate to bore anyone with the details of diet & exercise, so figured it would be perfect if I commented each day on this particular blog post. This post will serve for the 1st week. If I make it to the second and third weeks, I’ll make a new week’s post to comment on. I hope this works! I really need to firm up and get back some of the flexibility I was acquiring last year when I was doing yoga. I did start a Pilates class a couple of weeks ago and that has encouraged me to do this 3-week thing AND I bought my first pair of size 12 pants the other day!!!! Down from a size 18 at the beginning of 2007!!!! Well, here goes . . .


Lisa from Louisiana said...

Yay!!! I walked AND did the exercises for the day! not hard at all - it's was a mental thing for sure!!!

Lisa from Louisiana said...

I did the exercises last night - almost thought I wouldn't have time, but squeezed 'em in (mainly so I could do a postive comment today) and then to make up for not walking yesterday, I just walked from my work over to the Fred's store - a nice 20 minute round trip walk. YAY ME!!! Tonight is Pilates class so it will be a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

Mom! i'm so impressed! i haven't done ANY exercising in about a week! but i did make a b on my nutrtion test that was wickedly hard!

Lisa from Louisiana said...

Yesterday, right b4 Pilates class, I took a walk around the ULM Pharmacy complex, which is just a block from my Work #2. One trip around is 10 mins. I think now that the weather is cooler, I will have to walk around this a couple of times b4 heading home - that way I get the walk down b4 I get home and am too blah to do anything. Pilates class was great - a lot of leg work, which isn't bad because my legs are pretty strong already. It's the arm work that kills me.

Lisa from Louisiana said...

Last night, I went to the Art Crawl which gave me the opportunity to walk all around 3 city blocks, which counts for something . . .but I didn't get in the exercises after I got home. HOWEVER, this morning I woke up a little bit early and decided to use the extra minutes to get in the exercises I missed last night! They were the arm exercises so glad I didn't skip them. My stomach muscles are a little bit sore from the Pilates class - that's a good thing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Man....I'm so not even close to that motivated. Sometimes I think...hey, I'll wake up early and do push-ups and sit-ups, or maybe yoga. But I can't even get out of bed at 6 to get in the shower. Go you!

Lisa from Louisiana said...

well, I ended the first week on a good note. I walked around the Pharmacy bldg 3 times on Friday(30 minutes) and on Sat/Sun - major yard work. Sunday was supposed to be a rest day in the program, so I did the rest thing yesterday instead. I hope that I will go home this evening and start the
2nd week exercises . . .

Lisa from Louisiana said...

Tuesday 10/07 - Blah

oh well, I did go out and do a little yard work and dragged the trashcan all the way up to the road so that's something.

And this morning I made myself go look at the day's exercises and I saw they aren't horrible, so I think I'll do them tonight.

Lisa from Louisiana said...

Hurray!! I did the exercises last nite! and now I have a little soreness in my hip sockets & thigh muscles from doing lunges that actually feels good! and I even read through tonite's exercises and saw that they are easy so hopefully I won't have a mental block tonight about doing them!

Lisa from Louisiana said...

Walked around the Pharmacy bldg twice and did the exercises last night.

Lisa from Louisiana said...

On Friday, I just walked 10 minutes - down to the Pharmacy bldg and back to MEDBE. Week 2 was kinda weak, so I'm gonna do it a second time around cuz the exercises are pretty good.